CA Young Democrats
United Faculty
Moms Demand Action Gun Sense Candidate
Sierra Club
California Democratic Party
Congressman Mark DeSaulnier
Education Leaders:
State Superintendent of Public Instruction, Tom Torlakson (Ret.)
Assembly Education Budget Chair (Ret.) Susan Bonilla
Congressman George Miller (Ret.)
Lynn Mackey, Contra Costa County Superintendent of Schools
Judy Walters, President Contra Costa Community College Board
Fernando Sandoval, Vice President Contra Costa Community College Board
Austin Green, Contra Costa Community College Board Student Trustee (2021 - 2022)
Shreejal Luitel, Contra Costa Community College Board Student Trustee (2019 - 2020)
Anne O, President of the Contra Costa College Foundation
Eric Zell, Past President of the Contra Costa College Foundation
Jeffery Michaels, Executive Director of United Faculty/CCC Professor
Milton Clark, LMC Professor
Laurie Huffman, LMC Professor
Jason Mayfield, DVC Professor
Dyana Delfin-Polk, Vice President Peralta Community College District Board of Trustees
Keisha Nzewi, MDUSD Board Vice President
Cherise Khound, MDUSD Trustee
Erin McFerrin, MDUSD Trustee
Brian Lawrence, MDUSD Trustee (Ret.)
Jonathan Wright, MUSD Trustee (Ret.)
De’shawn Woolridge, Pittsburg USD Trustee
Local Elected Officials:
Congressman Mark DeSaulnier
Congressman Eric Swalwell
Senator Bill Dodd
Assemblymember Tim Grayson
Contra Costa District Attorney, Diana Becton
County Supervisor John Gioia
Concord City Councilmember, Carlyn Obringer
Pleasant Hill City Councilmember, Matt Rinn
Pittsburg City Councilmember, Shanelle Scales Preston
Walnut Creek City Councilmember, Cindy Darling
Walnut Creek City Councilmember, Kevin Wilk
Mayor of Lafayette, Terresa Garinger
Mayor of San Pablo, Rita Xavier
Vice Mayor of San Pablo, Abel Pineda
Mayor Pro Tem Hercules, Alex Griffin
Mayor Pro Tem Pinole, Devin Murphy
Mayor of El Cerrito, Gabe Quinto
Chair Martinez Planning Commission, Sean Trambely
Martinez Planning Commission, Jonathan Bash
President, Board of Directors, East Bay Regional Parks District, Colin Coffey
Ambrose Park District, Mae Torlakson
Justin Ramon, Humble Bakery & Martinez Small Business Leader
California Democratic Party
California Young Democrats
Contra Costa Labor Council AFL-CIO
Contra Costa Building & Construction Trades Council
Moms Demand Action Gun Sense Candidate
Sierra Club
United Faculty of Contra Costa Community College District
* Partial list. Titles for identification purposes only.